Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter arrives in northern hemisphere

December 21st marks the start of winter in the northern hemisphere.

Folks are busy shopping for Christmas or planning to visit family. Either way, it is a busy time for many of us. Some times the flurry of activity that takes place during the holiday season can be stressful.

What can be done?

Vata folks need to make sure and eat small meals throughout the day and favor warm moist foods (soups, stews, Dal, etc.) Take Ashwagandha for stress and Shankhpushpi for anxiousness.

Pitta people are good planners and hence the stress is due more to do with making sure the season's plans go off perfectly. Pace the intake of Pitta aggravting foods (fried, red meats) if possible. Take Chyawanprash to shore up the immune system and prepare for a liver cleanse after new years day with Phyllanthus.

Kapha individuals should really watch the intake of goodies during the party season. They should favor puddings over cakes and smoothies over ice cream. Take the time to go for a brisk walk even if it is for a short time. A liver cleanse will start the new year of right.

Please share your plans for this holiday season

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ayurvedic herbal formulas help support immune system

The wonders of allopathic medicine are truly amazing, yet they are useful when one is already "sick." Western medicine is not as good as other traditional systems in preventive medicine.

Ayurveda is a centuries old science of healthcare practiced in India for centuries, and even today. Ayurveda believes that good health is achieved by taking care of all aspects of life: herbs, diet, exercise, massage and lifestyle changes. Ayurveda is truly integrative and the basis of lifestyle plans are ones' unique constitution, defined by the doshas (to find out your dosha: Once you know your Doshas (combination of Vata, Pitta, Kapha); you will know what is best for you in terms of diet, exercise, lifestyle, daily herbal therapy and more.

Winter in the northern hemisphere is approaching. Winter is considered the Vata time of year. Vata folks inherently have a weaker immune system as compared to Pitta or Kapha people. Yet this those who are Pitta or Kapha are not unaffected by assaults to their immune system - it just take them longer to succumb.

Ayurveda has many herbs and herbal formulas for the immune system. Once WIDELY used formula is Chyawanprash. It is an herbal jam that tastes like a sweet and spicy apple butter. Traditional formulas (there are many on the market and some change the original formula) have around 40 ingredients; something to strengthen almost every system of the body. Take 1 teaspoon a day, doubling to 2 teaspoons if you think you are coming down with conditions such as a cold or ordinary seasonal (not H1N1) flu. It is also best to see your doctor to make sure there is not a more serious condition lurking.

Chyawanprash can be taken year-round, daily. One company that makes the item using the original formula is Nature's Formulary. No preservatives are used and the product is packaged in the USA (saving American jobs)